5- *Nathan went to school in a white neighborhood. *He is full of knowledge. *dosnt really like white people. *blames white people for the black people un-sucessful life. *he compares chess to life. 4- *why does McCall blame the white man for his life? *why does McCall refer to every white person as the white man? *Why did McCall's parents send him to a school he wasn't happy in? *What happens when McCall gets out of jail? 3- *consummated:band together *penitentiary:jail *methadone:opiate? 2- *Dialect *dialogue 1- *When Mo Battle says,"that her-ron makes love to me,man i can't let it go." Mo Battle is saying the bond that he and her-ron has is really tight and its simply his pleasure.
5- *Nathan went to school in a white neighborhood. *He is full of knowledge. *dosnt really like white people. *blames white people for the black people un-sucessful life. *he compares chess to life. 4- *why does McCall blame the white man for his life? *why does McCall refer to every white person as the white man? *Why did McCall's parents send him to a school he wasn't happy in? *What happens when McCall gets out of jail? 3- *consummated:band together *penitentiary:jail *methadone:opiate? 2- *Dialect *dialogue 1- *When Mo Battle says,"that her-ron makes love to me,man i can't let it go." Mo Battle is saying the bond that he and her-ron has is really tight and its simply his pleasure.
5- *Nathan is jailed. *Nathan really feels bad about how he let his grandma down. *Nathan feels that his grandmother worked hard so he can make her happy. *McCall uses many stratigies to get time to pass fast. *McCall is upset when his family brings his grandmother ti the penn to see him 4- *How does McCall feel about all his friends dieing and going to jail? *Why does McCall still think he has a case. *Why does McCall still think his crime is too harsh? *How does McCall feel about his son? 3- *Cracker:a racidt word used for white people. *Cellblock:where the imates live. *menacingly:patiently?? 2- *dialogue between McCall and chicago. *personification:"and sure enough the kettle blew" 1- *"you know whats happening, we requested a meeting with you and you sent your henchmen instead."
5- *Nathan is angry with himself *Nathan is angry with white people *Nathan is a racist *Nathan had many people giving him support *McCall's grandmother is upset with him 4- *Why is Nathan such a racists? *What is Nathan's anger problem about? *When will Nathan get out of jail? *Does Nathan appreiate his supporters? 3- *Attire: fancy cloths *frugal:careful on spending money *aquit:the end of the case 2- *personification *alliteration 1- *Nathan describes the songs that remind him of his grandmother. The song is about a strong woman that holds her family together.
5- *Nathan is calming down in jail *Nathan loses his mind in jail. *Nathan decides he is going to hold a jail riot *Nathan feels he is a punk if he dosnt take part in the riot *Nathan's pride is too good for his self 4- *why does nathan decide to take part in the riot? *does he really think it was worth beong tear gased because of the other prisoners? *what is nathan's problem he was just being good now he is bad again? *How will the judge react to his stupid mistakes? 3- *Verdict: The last descion *jury: the people that decide your case 2- *Similie *Metaphore 1- Nathan says, " i wasnt bout to go down like that. Them guards had us surrounded and didnt give a f**k what happened to us."
5- *Nathan is down with Chicago *Nathan knows if he is with Chicago no one in the penn with bother him *Nathan made friends with chicago when he was in the riot *They were able to get some issues addressed. *Not many of the issues changed. 4- *Why did the immates feel any of the rules changed? *Why did Nathan feel like he was one of the guys after the riot? *Did he like to cause trouble? *Why was Nathan considered "educated", he was jailed? 3-*Meancingly: Cant wait *influential: Inspiring *saunaed:?? 2-*dialect *personification 1- A white man has come to the sail and he dosnt seem to be a prison type.
5-*The white man was busted for a ripp-off from a bussiness. *McCall had expected that the white man was jailed for money *For the white man the world was inside out in jail *The Blacks ran things in jail *The white man was living his worst nightmare 4-Why did the white man take cash from a bussiness? *How did he get the cash? *Why did McCall feel he needed to make trouble with the newwhite man? *How did McCall know thw white man was in for money issues? 3*Opressed:against the odds *bewildered:extremely confused *pompoused: self-importance 2-dialogue *dialect 1McCall talks about how the white man's pasty white face tured beat red.
5-*Nathan feels he spent all his school time learnig about useless white people. *Nathan wants to learn more about black people. *Nathan say's the school community is racist. *I think nathan is going to become a muslim. *Nathan is begging to hate white people like the malcome X 4-Is nathan becoming a muslim? *Will nathan look to malcome X? *How will nathan feel when he gets out of jail? *When will nathan decide to be muslim? 3-*noteworthy: noticeable *Perilous:dangerouse *inept:clumsy 2*allusion *personification 1nathan says he would mush rather learn about black people.
5-*I am reading the "Football American Intercollgiate Game" *I chose this because i would rather read something about football. *Football is my Passion and i would like to learn as much as i can. *This book explains the history of some of the games best events. *This book has evidence that the almost 800 years ago football existed. 4-*Who invented football? *Where was football invented? *Why was football so important in the college campus? *Why did google decide to digitize this book? 3-*Wage:To bet or to gamble *Antiquity:The quality of being ancient. *Abundant:having alot of quality 2*Allusion:Makes an allusion to the greater times, says that football is the longest outdoor game. 1-*The book aludes to a verse from the bible in 22d of Isaiah. The book says "He will turn and toss thee like a ball." This alludes o the bible and it indicates that football was around during the oldern times.
5-*So far my book has been doing just fine. It's been keeping me in interest. *This book is teaching me everything i want to know bout the sport of football. *This book is putting a abundance amount of evidence to prove that football has been around along time *The book supplies alot of evidence trying to prove that the game off football has benn around before the christen era. *I like the fact that this book refers to the bible so much and the odessy books. 4-*Why does this book refer to the bibil so much? *How does this book take the things the bible has and tells what the words mean? *What does the word harpaston mean? *How did football evolve from rugby? 3-*harpaston: A game played with a ball but it was morelike a rugby game played with a football shaped ball. *Supplemented: Something added to complete something *Nausicaa: umm...idk post it if you find out :) 2-*Allusion:This book alludes to a Greek game called harpaston. *Allusion: The book also alludes to the chrisen era of football. 1-*The book Provides so much information to me about things i don't know about these things i don't know.
5-* Many other traces of football has bben found. *some football games were in greek versions. *Harpaston was played by by the spartans. *They played it upon a rectangular field. *They had side lines and other football like rules. 4-*How did the spartans come up with these rules? *why was there no limitations of players? *Was this more of a kill the guy with the ball game? *Was this theie only hobies? 3-*prolong: to leghnthen in duration. *ingeniously:characterized by cleverness *grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint. 2-?... 1-*Augustus had made lots of changes to the spartan game because he wanted his youth to become full of greatwisdom so he made the game as clever as her possibly could. *
5-*The game of football was like the roman military tactics. *The games consited of full-backs, half backs and fowards. *another game call calcio was played by the Italians. *the italians had uniforms to wear so they could identifie each other. This game was played in places likke mantua and other italian places. 4-*How did the italians get the idea of this game? *Why did the Italians modifiy this game? *Why do the Celts claim that football was a worship of their ancester the sun-god? *Were the Esquimaux the first to actually sew together a ball in the shape of a football? 3-*welt:Strips of leather *anachronism:something or someone not it the corret time period captaincy:the rank of an captain 2-*Allusion: the book alludes to alot of the greek people along with the Roman people. 1-*The roman people had influence in football.
5-*The book gives evidence that shakespeare wrote about the Romans bringing football to England. *The book tried to bring out evidence that football was a long lasting game. *The Earliest mention of football in literature was in the novel "History Of London." *History of London was written bye William Fitzstephen. *Makes alot of allusions to history books. 4-*Why does this book allude to so many history books? *How does the author find so many allusions? *Did the author have help writting this book? *Did this author have help finding and siting all of this great information? 3-*Intrigued:Facinated *grievance:a complaint *Proclamtion:public or official announcment 2-*allusion: Makes an allusion to Shakespeare. *Makes an allusion to "the History of Enlgand" 1-*This Book makes so many allusions, i been looking for literary terms that aren't allusions.
5-*This book has proved so much evidence that football has been around for along time. *The book supplies lots of allusions to prove that football has had impact on the world. *The book is basically trying to prove that football is the oldest outdoor game. *The Romans marched in football formations. *The had a leader muscels and the had forwards. 4-*why did they march in football formations? *How did the football formations develop into the military? *How did the Romans connect football to military skills? How did military people make football their ways of military? 3-*persistent: lasting or enduring. *incorrigibility:inperviouse to constraints or punishment 2-*allusion:alludes to the roman amry. *alludes to the bible. 1-* seems to me that the book is just providing lots of evidence. cant w8 for the book to start talking about football itself.
5-*I am reading about the history of the Havard vs.Yale rivalry. *There are alot of rivalries in the book. *I am also very interested in the Cornell vs. Pennsylvania fottball rivalry. *The Cornell vs. Pennsylvania rivalry is more interesting than the Havard vs. Yale Football rivalry. *The book tells what person was playing their postitions for each team. 4-*Why did the book include so much information about how the game formed? *How did they obtain this information? *Why did these rivalries form? How did they get fueled enough to still go on today? 3-*Fluctuates:To vary irregularly *impregnable:strong enough to resist or withstand attack *attire:Cloths/fancy 2- 1-*They describe the game and they have names of the players that are playing in the 1800's.
5-*This book has proved so much evidence that football has been around for along time. *The book supplies lots of allusions to prove that football has had impact on the world. *The book is basically trying to prove that football is the oldest outdoor game. *The Romans marched in football formations. *The had a leader muscels and the had forwards. 4-*why did they march in football formations? *How does the author find so many allusions? *Did the author have help writting this book? *Did this author have help finding and siting all of this great information? 3-*persistent: lasting or enduring. *incorrigibility:inperviouse to constraints or punishment 2-*allusion:alludes to the roman amry. *alludes to the bible. 1-* seems to me that the book is just providing lots of evidence. cant w8 for the book to start talking about football itself.
5-*My book has done just fine. It's been keeping me in interest. *This book is teaching me everything i want to know bout the sport of football. *This book is putting a abundance amount of evidence to prove that football has been around along time *The book supplies alot of evidence trying to prove that the game off football has benn around before the christen era. *I like the fact that this book refers to the bible so much and the odessy books. 4-*Why does this book refer to the bibil so much? *How does this book take the things the bible has and tells what the words mean? *What does the word harpaston mean? *How did football evolve from rugby? 3-*prolong: to leghnthen in duration. *ingeniously:characterized by cleverness *grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint. 2-*Allusion:This book alludes to a Greek game called harpaston. *Allusion: The book also alludes to the chrisen era of football. 1-*The book Provides so much information to me about things i don't know about these things i don't know.
5-*The book i am reading is called the invisible man *This book is by the author named H.G. Wells *It has 28 chapters and a epilogue *I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science *I really just want to go to the end of the book and ruin the ending lol 4-*How will this book relate to science? *Who is this strange man introduced at the beginning of the book? *the description of the character kind of reminds me of George from Of Mice Of Men. 3-*Portmanteau:A large leather suitcase that opens up into two compartments. *charity:a generouse donation to the poor *parlour:a club or inn 1-*the character calls "In the name of human charity"...what does that mean??
5-*The format of the paragraphs is weird *there are alot of words i dont know *i still dont know the character's name *seems like this book is going to be mysteriouse *this is getting interesting 4-*is this sometype of stratagy to keep me waiting for the name? *why dont the character let the inn keeper take the coat? *What does the narratore mean by specticals with lights on them *what is a staccato? 3-*staccato:A note that is played with disconnection *acquiescence:agreement to conscent with out words *fender:the pressed and formed sheet-metal part mounted over the road wheels of an automobile 2-*Personification:she says the cloths threatened to the rust her fender 1-*the man is wierd, he dosnt respect the woman and take his dripping coat off.
5-*this is getting interesting *i still dont know the character's name *I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science *there are alot of words i dont know *seems like this book is going to be mysteriouse 4-*is this sometype of stratagy to keep me waiting for the name? *How will this book relate to science? *what startled mrs.hall? *why was his head covred up? 3-*rigid:stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible *serviette:a table napkin. *grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint. 2- 1-*the character must have gone through a tough beating or somthing because his whole head is covered.
5-*the book is getting interesting. *I kind of think the book is boring and interesting *I think I want to switch books now *I still haven't found anything science like *I still don't know how the book relates to sciencs 4-*why is the tape on his head? *what happen to this guy? *why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat? *do u think his hat is a clue for foreshadowing? 3-*drily: a dry manor *eloquent: forcrful and appropiate *perplexity:uncertain 2-*personification *allusion 1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*this is getting interesting *i still dont know the character's name *I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science *there are alot of words i dont know *I still don't know how the book relates to sciencs 4-*why is the tape on his head? *what happen to this guy? *why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat? *perplexity:uncertain 2-*personification *allusion 1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*There is alot of dialogue throughout the text. *there are some pages dedicated to only text. *i am on page 81 now *i didnt think i would read the book this far. *i cant say that i truelly like the book. 4-**what happen to this guy? *why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat? *perplexity:uncertain 2-*personification *allusion 1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet. Why does the writer make so many
5-*the book is getting interesting. *I kind of think the book is boring and interesting *i didnt think i would read the book this far. *i cant say that i truelly like the book. 4-**what happen to this guy? *why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat? *perplexity:uncertain 2-*personification *allusion 1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*The man is swaggering. *The man must be drunk *If the man isnt drunk then he got hit by somthing *one amazing thing is that i dont think they have left the inn yet. 4-*why are they still in the inn? *Is the rest of the story going to take place in the inn? *When are they leaving the inn? *What happened to the guy swaggering around in the inn? 3-*gesticulating: to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech. *abroad:in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and abroad. *indisputable:not disputable or deniable,uncontestable. indisputable evidence. 2-*Personification:They say the windows had eyes. 1-*i want to know what they gonna do about the inn.
5-*There is alot of dialogue throughout the text. *there are some pages dedicated to only text. *i didnt think i would read the book this far. *i cant say that i truelly like the book. 4-**what happen to this guy? *why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat? *perplexity:uncertain *abroad:in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and abroad. *indisputable:not disputable or deniable,uncontestable. indisputable evidence. 2-*Personification:They say the windows had eyes. 1-*i want to know what they gonna do about the inn.
5-* I am reading Moby Dick. *The Book starts off with "they call me Ishmal". *I tried reading this book when i was in 6th grade. *I understood alot of the book. *I read a good portion of the book. 4-*Why did the book start off with "they call me Ishmal"? *Why did the book start off telling me the character? *Why is this book so famouse, isn't it about a whale? Is Ishmal in a tavern or an inn? 3-*Hypos:A stimulouse or boost. *methodically:Dispose of. *insular:dwelling or situated on an island. 2-*Metaphore: He talks about his soul being damp. *metaphore her talks about his mouth being grim. 1-*"call me Ishmael" thats the best sentence in the book.
5-*A few of my teachers have told me the read this book. *I think this book is pretty easy to understand than I thought. *The inn Ishmael went to symbolized poverty. *He states that the place was queer. 4-*Is Ishmael familiar with the place he is? *How does Ishmael feel? *Does Ishmael mean like gay queer?? *What is Ishmael doing there? 3-*queer:rather odd or strange *connexion:A relation btween two things 2-*Dialogue *metaphore
5-*"Bloody battle in Affghanistan," sounds thrillling. *Ishmael leaves Manhatto. *Ishmael went to New Bedford. *Ishamael makes his living from whaling. 4-*Why did Ishamale decide to leave Manhotto? *Does Ishamael have the idea that whaling is better to do in New Bedford? *Where does Ishmael intend to go when he gets to New Bedford? *Has Ishamael found his new tavern to hang out? 3*consummated:band together Hypos:A stimulouse or boost. 2-*-*Dialogue *metaphore 1-*-*"Bloody battle in Affghanistan"
5-*A few of my teachers have told me the read this book. *I think this book is pretty easy to understand than I thought. *The inn Ishmael went to symbolized poverty. *He states that the place was queer. 4-*Is Ishmael familiar with the place he is? *How does Ishmael feel? *Does Ishmael mean like gay queer?? *What is Ishmael doing there? 3-*queer:rather odd or strange *connexion:A relation btween two things 2-*Dialogue *metaphore
5-*Dieon Sanders is argueably the best defensive bacj that ever played in the NFL. *The book i am reading was by Dieon Sanders with the help of his Bishop T.D. Jakes. *Sanders was very active as a kid. *Sanders played baseball also. *The book starts off talking about sanders' injury he suffered. 4-*How long was Sanders out for after his injury? *Does Jerry Jones favor Sanders as one of his players? *How many teams did Sanders play for? *Why Sanders tittle his book Power, Money &Sex? 3-*Subsided: to sink to a low or lower level. *Circumstances: a condition, detail *Tremendous:extraordinarily great in size 2-*Sanders used slang, he says homeys *There is alot of imagery. 1-*Sanders is a great defensive back.
enjoy this fine book
5- *Nathan went to school in a white neighborhood.
*He is full of knowledge.
*dosnt really like white people.
*blames white people for the black people un-sucessful life.
*he compares chess to life.
4- *why does McCall blame the white man for his life?
*why does McCall refer to every white person as the white man?
*Why did McCall's parents send him to a school he wasn't happy in?
*What happens when McCall gets out of jail?
3- *consummated:band together
2- *Dialect
1- *When Mo Battle says,"that her-ron makes love to me,man i can't let it go." Mo Battle is saying the bond that he and her-ron has is really tight and its simply his pleasure.
5- *Nathan went to school in a white neighborhood.
*He is full of knowledge.
*dosnt really like white people.
*blames white people for the black people un-sucessful life.
*he compares chess to life.
4- *why does McCall blame the white man for his life?
*why does McCall refer to every white person as the white man?
*Why did McCall's parents send him to a school he wasn't happy in?
*What happens when McCall gets out of jail?
3- *consummated:band together
2- *Dialect
1- *When Mo Battle says,"that her-ron makes love to me,man i can't let it go." Mo Battle is saying the bond that he and her-ron has is really tight and its simply his pleasure.
5- *Nathan is jailed.
*Nathan really feels bad about how he let his grandma down.
*Nathan feels that his grandmother worked hard so he can make her happy.
*McCall uses many stratigies to get time to pass fast.
*McCall is upset when his family brings his grandmother ti the penn to see him
4- *How does McCall feel about all his friends dieing and going to jail?
*Why does McCall still think he has a case.
*Why does McCall still think his crime is too harsh?
*How does McCall feel about his son?
3- *Cracker:a racidt word used for white people.
*Cellblock:where the imates live.
2- *dialogue between McCall and chicago.
*personification:"and sure enough the kettle blew"
1- *"you know whats happening, we requested a meeting with you and you sent your henchmen instead."
5- *Nathan is angry with himself
*Nathan is angry with white people
*Nathan is a racist
*Nathan had many people giving him support
*McCall's grandmother is upset with him
4- *Why is Nathan such a racists?
*What is Nathan's anger problem about?
*When will Nathan get out of jail?
*Does Nathan appreiate his supporters?
3- *Attire: fancy cloths
*frugal:careful on spending money
*aquit:the end of the case
2- *personification
1- *Nathan describes the songs that remind him of his grandmother. The song is about a strong woman that holds her family together.
5- *Nathan is calming down in jail
*Nathan loses his mind in jail.
*Nathan decides he is going to hold a jail riot
*Nathan feels he is a punk if he dosnt take part in the riot
*Nathan's pride is too good for his self
4- *why does nathan decide to take part in the riot?
*does he really think it was worth beong tear gased because of the other prisoners?
*what is nathan's problem he was just being good now he is bad again?
*How will the judge react to his stupid mistakes?
3- *Verdict: The last descion
*jury: the people that decide your case
2- *Similie
1- Nathan says, " i wasnt bout to go down like that. Them guards had us surrounded and didnt give a f**k what happened to us."
5- *Nathan is down with Chicago
*Nathan knows if he is with Chicago no one in the penn with bother him
*Nathan made friends with chicago when he was in the riot
*They were able to get some issues addressed.
*Not many of the issues changed.
4- *Why did the immates feel any of the rules changed?
*Why did Nathan feel like he was one of the guys after the riot?
*Did he like to cause trouble?
*Why was Nathan considered "educated", he was jailed?
3-*Meancingly: Cant wait
*influential: Inspiring
1- A white man has come to the sail and he dosnt seem to be a prison type.
5-*The white man was busted for a ripp-off from a bussiness.
*McCall had expected that the white man was jailed for money
*For the white man the world was inside out in jail
*The Blacks ran things in jail
*The white man was living his worst nightmare
4-Why did the white man take cash from a bussiness?
*How did he get the cash?
*Why did McCall feel he needed to make trouble with the newwhite man?
*How did McCall know thw white man was in for money issues?
3*Opressed:against the odds
*bewildered:extremely confused
*pompoused: self-importance
1McCall talks about how the white man's pasty white face tured beat red.
5-*Nathan feels he spent all his school time learnig about useless white people.
*Nathan wants to learn more about black people.
*Nathan say's the school community is racist.
*I think nathan is going to become a muslim.
*Nathan is begging to hate white people like the malcome X
4-Is nathan becoming a muslim?
*Will nathan look to malcome X?
*How will nathan feel when he gets out of jail?
*When will nathan decide to be muslim?
3-*noteworthy: noticeable
1nathan says he would mush rather learn about black people.
5-*I am reading the "Football American Intercollgiate Game"
*I chose this because i would rather read something about football.
*Football is my Passion and i would like to learn as much as i can.
*This book explains the history of some of the games best events.
*This book has evidence that the almost 800 years ago football existed.
4-*Who invented football?
*Where was football invented?
*Why was football so important in the college campus?
*Why did google decide to digitize this book?
3-*Wage:To bet or to gamble
*Antiquity:The quality of being ancient.
*Abundant:having alot of quality
2*Allusion:Makes an allusion to the greater times, says that football is the longest outdoor game.
1-*The book aludes to a verse from the bible in 22d of Isaiah. The book says "He will turn and toss thee like a ball." This alludes o the bible and it indicates that football was around during the oldern times.
5-*So far my book has been doing just fine. It's been keeping me in interest.
*This book is teaching me everything i want to know bout the sport of football.
*This book is putting a abundance amount of evidence to prove that football has been around along time
*The book supplies alot of evidence trying to prove that the game off football has benn around before the christen era.
*I like the fact that this book refers to the bible so much and the odessy books.
4-*Why does this book refer to the bibil so much?
*How does this book take the things the bible has and tells what the words mean?
*What does the word harpaston mean?
*How did football evolve from rugby?
3-*harpaston: A game played with a ball but it was morelike a rugby game played with a football shaped ball.
*Supplemented: Something added to complete something
*Nausicaa: umm...idk post it if you find out :)
2-*Allusion:This book alludes to a Greek game called harpaston.
*Allusion: The book also alludes to the chrisen era of football.
1-*The book Provides so much information to me about things i don't know about these things i don't know.
5-* Many other traces of football has bben found.
*some football games were in greek versions.
*Harpaston was played by by the spartans.
*They played it upon a rectangular field.
*They had side lines and other football like rules.
4-*How did the spartans come up with these rules?
*why was there no limitations of players?
*Was this more of a kill the guy with the ball game?
*Was this theie only hobies?
3-*prolong: to leghnthen in duration.
*ingeniously:characterized by cleverness
*grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint.
1-*Augustus had made lots of changes to the spartan game because he wanted his youth to become full of greatwisdom so he made the game as clever as her possibly could.
5-*The game of football was like the roman military tactics.
*The games consited of full-backs, half backs and fowards.
*another game call calcio was played by the Italians.
*the italians had uniforms to wear so they could identifie each other.
This game was played in places likke mantua and other italian places.
4-*How did the italians get the idea of this game?
*Why did the Italians modifiy this game?
*Why do the Celts claim that football was a worship of their ancester the sun-god?
*Were the Esquimaux the first to actually sew together a ball in the shape of a football?
3-*welt:Strips of leather
*anachronism:something or someone not it the corret time period
captaincy:the rank of an captain
2-*Allusion: the book alludes to alot of the greek people along with the Roman people.
1-*The roman people had influence in football.
5-*The book gives evidence that shakespeare wrote about the Romans bringing football to England.
*The book tried to bring out evidence that football was a long lasting game.
*The Earliest mention of football in literature was in the novel "History Of London."
*History of London was written bye William Fitzstephen.
*Makes alot of allusions to history books.
4-*Why does this book allude to so many history books?
*How does the author find so many allusions?
*Did the author have help writting this book?
*Did this author have help finding and siting all of this great information?
*grievance:a complaint
*Proclamtion:public or official announcment
2-*allusion: Makes an allusion to Shakespeare.
*Makes an allusion to "the History of Enlgand"
1-*This Book makes so many allusions, i been looking for literary terms that aren't allusions.
5-*This book has proved so much evidence that football has been around for along time.
*The book supplies lots of allusions to prove that football has had impact on the world.
*The book is basically trying to prove that football is the oldest outdoor game.
*The Romans marched in football formations.
*The had a leader muscels and the had forwards.
4-*why did they march in football formations?
*How did the football formations develop into the military?
*How did the Romans connect football to military skills?
How did military people make football their ways of military?
3-*persistent: lasting or enduring.
*incorrigibility:inperviouse to constraints or punishment
2-*allusion:alludes to the roman amry.
*alludes to the bible.
1-* seems to me that the book is just providing lots of evidence. cant w8 for the book to start talking about football itself.
5-*I am reading about the history of the Havard vs.Yale rivalry.
*There are alot of rivalries in the book.
*I am also very interested in the Cornell vs. Pennsylvania fottball rivalry.
*The Cornell vs. Pennsylvania rivalry is more interesting than the Havard vs. Yale Football rivalry.
*The book tells what person was playing their postitions for each team.
4-*Why did the book include so much information about how the game formed?
*How did they obtain this information?
*Why did these rivalries form?
How did they get fueled enough to still go on today?
3-*Fluctuates:To vary irregularly
*impregnable:strong enough to resist or withstand attack
1-*They describe the game and they have names of the players that are playing in the 1800's.
5-*This book has proved so much evidence that football has been around for along time.
*The book supplies lots of allusions to prove that football has had impact on the world.
*The book is basically trying to prove that football is the oldest outdoor game.
*The Romans marched in football formations.
*The had a leader muscels and the had forwards.
4-*why did they march in football formations?
*How does the author find so many allusions?
*Did the author have help writting this book?
*Did this author have help finding and siting all of this great information?
3-*persistent: lasting or enduring.
*incorrigibility:inperviouse to constraints or punishment
2-*allusion:alludes to the roman amry.
*alludes to the bible.
1-* seems to me that the book is just providing lots of evidence. cant w8 for the book to start talking about football itself.
5-*My book has done just fine. It's been keeping me in interest.
*This book is teaching me everything i want to know bout the sport of football.
*This book is putting a abundance amount of evidence to prove that football has been around along time
*The book supplies alot of evidence trying to prove that the game off football has benn around before the christen era.
*I like the fact that this book refers to the bible so much and the odessy books.
4-*Why does this book refer to the bibil so much?
*How does this book take the things the bible has and tells what the words mean?
*What does the word harpaston mean?
*How did football evolve from rugby?
3-*prolong: to leghnthen in duration.
*ingeniously:characterized by cleverness
*grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint.
2-*Allusion:This book alludes to a Greek game called harpaston.
*Allusion: The book also alludes to the chrisen era of football.
1-*The book Provides so much information to me about things i don't know about these things i don't know.
5-*The book i am reading is called the invisible man
*This book is by the author named H.G. Wells
*It has 28 chapters and a epilogue
*I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science
*I really just want to go to the end of the book and ruin the ending lol
4-*How will this book relate to science?
*Who is this strange man introduced at the beginning of the book?
*the description of the character kind of reminds me of George from Of Mice Of Men.
3-*Portmanteau:A large leather suitcase that opens up into two compartments.
*charity:a generouse donation to the poor
*parlour:a club or inn
1-*the character calls "In the name of human charity"...what does that mean??
5-*The format of the paragraphs is weird
*there are alot of words i dont know
*i still dont know the character's name
*seems like this book is going to be mysteriouse
*this is getting interesting
4-*is this sometype of stratagy to keep me waiting for the name?
*why dont the character let the inn keeper take the coat?
*What does the narratore mean by specticals with lights on them
*what is a staccato?
3-*staccato:A note that is played with disconnection
*acquiescence:agreement to conscent with out words
*fender:the pressed and formed sheet-metal part mounted over the road wheels of an automobile
2-*Personification:she says the cloths threatened to the rust her fender
1-*the man is wierd, he dosnt respect the woman and take his dripping coat off.
5-*this is getting interesting
*i still dont know the character's name
*I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science
*there are alot of words i dont know
*seems like this book is going to be mysteriouse
4-*is this sometype of stratagy to keep me waiting for the name?
*How will this book relate to science?
*what startled mrs.hall?
*why was his head covred up?
3-*rigid:stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible
*serviette:a table napkin.
*grievance:a wrong considered as wrongs for complaint.
1-*the character must have gone through a tough beating or somthing because his whole head is covered.
5-*the book is getting interesting.
*I kind of think the book is boring and interesting
*I think I want to switch books now
*I still haven't found anything science like
*I still don't know how the book relates to sciencs
4-*why is the tape on his head?
*what happen to this guy?
*why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat?
*do u think his hat is a clue for foreshadowing?
3-*drily: a dry manor
*eloquent: forcrful and appropiate
1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*this is getting interesting
*i still dont know the character's name
*I really wanna see how this book is going to relate to science
*there are alot of words i dont know
*I still don't know how the book relates to sciencs
4-*why is the tape on his head?
*what happen to this guy?
*why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat?
1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*There is alot of dialogue throughout the text.
*there are some pages dedicated to only text.
*i am on page 81 now
*i didnt think i would read the book this far.
*i cant say that i truelly like the book.
4-**what happen to this guy?
*why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat?
1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
Why does the writer make so many
5-*the book is getting interesting.
*I kind of think the book is boring and interesting
*i didnt think i would read the book this far.
*i cant say that i truelly like the book.
4-**what happen to this guy?
*why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat?
1-*I don't understand why the guy's name haven't been said yet.
5-*The man is swaggering.
*The man must be drunk
*If the man isnt drunk then he got hit by somthing
*one amazing thing is that i dont think they have left the inn yet.
4-*why are they still in the inn?
*Is the rest of the story going to take place in the inn?
*When are they leaving the inn?
*What happened to the guy swaggering around in the inn?
3-*gesticulating: to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech.
*abroad:in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and abroad.
*indisputable:not disputable or deniable,uncontestable. indisputable evidence.
2-*Personification:They say the windows had eyes.
1-*i want to know what they gonna do about the inn.
5-*There is alot of dialogue throughout the text.
*there are some pages dedicated to only text.
*i didnt think i would read the book this far.
*i cant say that i truelly like the book.
4-**what happen to this guy?
*why dosnt this guy want any1 touching his hat?
*abroad:in or to a foreign country or countries: famous at home and abroad.
*indisputable:not disputable or deniable,uncontestable. indisputable evidence.
2-*Personification:They say the windows had eyes.
1-*i want to know what they gonna do about the inn.
5-* I am reading Moby Dick.
*The Book starts off with "they call me Ishmal".
*I tried reading this book when i was in 6th grade.
*I understood alot of the book.
*I read a good portion of the book.
4-*Why did the book start off with "they call me Ishmal"?
*Why did the book start off telling me the character?
*Why is this book so famouse, isn't it about a whale?
Is Ishmal in a tavern or an inn?
3-*Hypos:A stimulouse or boost.
*methodically:Dispose of.
*insular:dwelling or situated on an island.
2-*Metaphore: He talks about his soul being damp.
*metaphore her talks about his mouth being grim.
1-*"call me Ishmael" thats the best sentence in the book.
5-*A few of my teachers have told me the read this book.
*I think this book is pretty easy to understand than I thought.
*The inn Ishmael went to symbolized poverty.
*He states that the place was queer.
4-*Is Ishmael familiar with the place he is?
*How does Ishmael feel?
*Does Ishmael mean like gay queer??
*What is Ishmael doing there?
3-*queer:rather odd or strange
*connexion:A relation btween two things
5-*"Bloody battle in Affghanistan," sounds thrillling.
*Ishmael leaves Manhatto.
*Ishmael went to New Bedford.
*Ishamael makes his living from whaling.
4-*Why did Ishamale decide to leave Manhotto?
*Does Ishamael have the idea that whaling is better to do in New Bedford?
*Where does Ishmael intend to go when he gets to New Bedford?
*Has Ishamael found his new tavern to hang out?
3*consummated:band together
Hypos:A stimulouse or boost.
1-*-*"Bloody battle in Affghanistan"
5-*A few of my teachers have told me the read this book.
*I think this book is pretty easy to understand than I thought.
*The inn Ishmael went to symbolized poverty.
*He states that the place was queer.
4-*Is Ishmael familiar with the place he is?
*How does Ishmael feel?
*Does Ishmael mean like gay queer??
*What is Ishmael doing there?
3-*queer:rather odd or strange
*connexion:A relation btween two things
5-*Dieon Sanders is argueably the best defensive bacj that ever played in the NFL.
*The book i am reading was by Dieon Sanders with the help of his Bishop T.D. Jakes.
*Sanders was very active as a kid.
*Sanders played baseball also.
*The book starts off talking about sanders' injury he suffered.
4-*How long was Sanders out for after his injury?
*Does Jerry Jones favor Sanders as one of his players?
*How many teams did Sanders play for?
*Why Sanders tittle his book Power, Money &Sex?
3-*Subsided: to sink to a low or lower level.
*Circumstances: a condition, detail
*Tremendous:extraordinarily great in size
2-*Sanders used slang, he says homeys
*There is alot of imagery.
1-*Sanders is a great defensive back.
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